During two years (2018 and 2019) I’ve helped the French Week Event is Siem Reap (Cambodia). Indeed, I’ve created several kind of physical supports. In fact, the main visual identity (poster) was created by a graphic designer in Phnom Penh and I used this to expend the branding across everything else.
Eiffel Tower
Certainly, the French Week event without an Eiffel tower is not something we can imagine haha. Given that, the first year, I’ve made a sturdy 3m high tour that stood on a table in the middle of the event. The following year, we went one step ahead and made a 6m model which was able to fold and be dismounted for later.
Each stand had its own sign so first I’ve designer one template before creating the roughly 50-60 others. The first year, these signs were made with a banner material but they did not present so well. So in 2019 we switch to hard panel and it looked way more professional.
Street sign
The shape is literally the same as the signs in Paris and other cities in France. In summary, we matched the design with the rest of the visual identity and spread those signs across the event.
Flyer and invitation
The was one of the key part of the event. The flyer was going to be distributed in several hotels to bring customers.
Main Entrance
Here is another fun project that I enjoyed doing. We had to build 2 gates/entrances for the French Week Event using the minimum of metal possible. I’ve used 3D design to plan the layout and simulate the final result. The 2 pillons unfolded in a triangular shape. Furthermore, a weight like a plant in a pot was supposed to decorate and keep the structure stable at the same time. Once the 2 columns are ready, we can hook the header panel and voilĂ !
This format was another key element of the Event’s promotion. It has all the necessary informations on the entire event. It shows:
- the schedule
- the sponsors’ logos
- the name of the artists participating
- the list of the business
- the plan and contact informations
- some advertisements
Selfie frame
The design of the selfie frame got a lot of flashes during the event.
This support, present at the airport, displayed informations such as the schedule, the contact informations, a QR code and the main sponsors of the event.
Hand fan
Obviously, Cambodia is always hot. For this purpose, the idea was to create a fan using a piece of stiff board cut in a round shape. On one side, we had the logo of the event and the colors of the french flag. On the other side, we had all the logos of the sponsors for the French Week Event.
If you want to see some more event I helped, you can visit that Bike Against the Clock project.



Main entrance

Foldable structure design

Yes, I can design that :-)
I would like to make a street sign. Possible ?