Damien Topin Design has created a set of packaging design for Biniky Chic Nomad in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Biniky Chic Nomad is selling at the shop called Sirivan Concept Store several objects themed around travel minimalism and origami. Zidea Nomad’s Lamp falls perfectly inside this category.


I’m nowhere near a good photographer but when needed I can find a way to make decent photos that I will use to illustrate a packaging as it was the case and the necessity here. For this photoshoot I’ve used four otherĀ  Zidea Nomad’s Lamp to light up the scene and that was quite satisfactory. Its accordion frame made the adjustments easy. That was useful for the lamps lighting up the scene but the main challenge was to find shapes that would look good on that narrow packaging design for Biniky. Again, the flexible hinges permitted to create any type of shape, almost unlimited in fact. I went on and on, finding as many as interesting set up as possible until I had a decent amount of cool positions.


Once the photos were done I could go through the next step and select the 3 best photos that would be displayed on each of the 3 packaging. Three packaging because this lamp comes in 3 different colors : Silver, Golden and dark grey with a blue green accent. The goal for this packaging was to have the most minimalistic design :

  • A full frame picture at the front
  • The title of the lamp and the sides.
  • Few useful informations at the back and the mention of the Company Biniky.

The whole outside part of the packaging would be a sleeve sliding off the box containing the lamp. The side’s colors would mimic the lamp itself as close as possible to the real metallic color for an easy identification of the product. If you liked this packaging, have a look at this one, that I’ve done for a wedding invitation.

Yes, I can design that :-)

I would like to make a street sign. Possible ?

Happy to chat :-)